Monday, April 20, 2009


So, I was down in the dumps last night and I was supposed to blog about it to put my nerves in proper order again...

...but Bien cheered me up, so tinamad na ako. *applause for Bien* haha. Thankyouuuu Bien.

Yesterday wasn't one of the best days of my life. I was supposed to meet up with my fellow incoming Nursing Freshmen (There are five of us! : Ako, Dencio, Claude, Tatay, Mark) and Ericko (Ind. Pharm) to apply for the Advanced Placement Exam. Since we agreed to meet up at 9am, I left home at 7am. I thought that was early enough, but hell no. I arrived in Manila at 11am! Gawd. I had to stand for two hours and sit for two hours, nearly cramping my legs and burning my butt. It's so damn frustrating when the bus is virtually not moving at all. What made things worse is that Claude and Tatay had to wait for me at McDo (the rest went there already since they had some appointments). That was kind of ambarrassing. They were kind enough to wait for me, so that kind of eased up my frustration. I found them at McDo with Sir Bau. Haha. Ayun.

We proceeded to UP and found Mark on the way. He informed us that there was a certain fee for it. Homaygad: P500. But anyway, we proceeded to the College of Arts and Sciences to get the request slip. Then we went to Rob-Manila to meet up with Ate Denesy. It's her 18th Birthday Party on the 25th and we me t so that she could give me my invitation. Since she was also in BS Nursing we took the opportunity to ask what we could.

We proceeded to Jollibee-Galaxy (wow!) in Recto where Jayvee's mom works as manager. He was supposed to ask for the money for the APE since we weren't prpeared (Claude had money and decided to loan me some. yeay). Tita Jho was kind enough to treat us lunch! Yeay.

Mark decided to proceed home since he was planning to pay the day after. The three of us proceeded to the Cashier at the OUR. While we were in line, we met up with Ate Wendell, former Nursing student, and Kuya Lance, former Pol.Sci student. They advised us about the pros and cons of taking the APE. Unlike what we expected, you really don't save money by passing the exam. In the first place, very few pass the exam. You would also have to take a subject of a higher unit, thus risk being separated from your block. We all decided to retreat. Haha.

Since I missed them so much (drama) I deviated from my usual way home by accompanying Tatay and Claude to the LRT station. I could get off at Central Station (just one station away) and catch a bus at Lawton. We allowed three LRTs to pass by before we got on. Haha. We just sat there and talked of random things. I really miss them so. :(

It was on my way home on the bus that I got kind of depressed. I started pondering on whether or not my decision to take Nursing was a good idea. I began wondering why I wrote it on my UP application. My reason then was that Nursing allowed you to be exposed to hospital experience. I took that a s a reason since I figured I needed to get used to seeing dead people, broken limbs, crying mothers and stuff like that. But from what we've discovered, Nursing is quite challenging. It's very stressful and the teachers aren't very generous with the grades. I even read in some Nursing forums that a grade of 1.75 is a dear blessing. Also, the College of Nursing discourages Nursing as a stepping stone into another course. If I would even dream of getting into the UP College of Medicine, I would have to be at least a Cum Laude, which is hard enough. Usually, very few Nursing graduates make it into the College of Medicine, even if they pass the NMAT.

I wondered why I didn't just take up Public Health. That's what my cousin, Ate Tina, took up, and she graduated Magna Cum Laude. I could well get into Med School with that course. If ever I decide not to be a doctor, I could take the MedTech boards or become a radiologist.

But no, I'm soon going to be a nursing student, and I'm still having double thoughts if I made the right decision. But hopefully I have. A lot of people are encouraging me, saying that I could do it, that I would get into Med School and fulfill my dream. I wish I were as confident for myself. Sigh...

**by the way, please pray for the soul of my Tito Jun Vilan. My mom just called saying he passed away. :(

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